Saturday 17 February 2018

Sunday Morning…Reflections on the Road

Sunday morning and I am on my road trip. Much has been accomplished in order for my upcoming move.Drive here was like a drive thru hell. A mere 19 miles from rest stop when the traffic came to a hal_ Patrice:Its to a point where he cant even make it 10 minutes in class without having [...]

I am just wondering, how would it affect my body, once it's over with?
(13 February 2018)

I am not pregnant now, but we're discussing having a baby.
(13 February 2018)

The mixing desk is one and also the huge breasts on the girl in stripes.
(13 February 2018)

Me and my boyfriend have sex multiple times everyday, and I haven t gotten my period yet because I started on the 4 period a year birth control. this morning I felt super queasy, and I threw up and when I blew my nose, there was blood in the tissue.
(13 February 2018)

I was off of birth control for 2 weeks in the beginning of January. around the 15th I spotted for about a day and it was dark brown.
(13 February 2018)

I need advice and answers (teenager and mom problems)?
(13 February 2018)

Its been about a month since I got caught.
(13 February 2018)

I'm really trying to do better but its like nothing is working.
(13 February 2018)

I do my chores, I really don't know what to do anymore.
(13 February 2018)

She wanted me to leave my boyfriend so I broke it off with him, I have good grades in school, I haven't been doing anything I shouldn't be.
(13 February 2018)

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