Wednesday 21 February 2018

That word that has multiple ……..

……… Fucking meanings, that fucking word in the proper place in a conversation has a great out CUM all out of your sex organ. The pénétration of a hard cock easing into a wanting hole of plea_ Avis:Is it unexceptionable for me to like her?(18 February 2018) Avis:So I have a crush on someone and there aunt [...]

I end up more confused than anything, still no idea if I should continue or end things as well as no idea how to end things either.
(16 February 2018)

No one explains WHY they think you should end the relationship, and without being able to actually have a conversation to explain and clarify the situation the advice isn't very reliable.
(16 February 2018)

If I go online for dating advice it seems like everyone online lives in some sort of Disney universe where they all have perfect relationships - the slightest negative is said to be reason for you to end the relationship.
(16 February 2018)

I've no friends to talk this out with and I'm Autistic so I really don't know how to deal with dating.
(16 February 2018)

I'm not used to dating as I've always had long-term relationships that came from friendships.
(16 February 2018)

How to ask my mother for a dildo?
(16 February 2018)

Since she doesn t know that I know about that stuff.
(16 February 2018)

I ve been eyeing one I saw online but I don t know how to ask my mom if I can have it.
(16 February 2018)

My mom might think of me as too young like a lot of you may think but I REALLY want it badly.
(16 February 2018)

I know it s an awkward topic and the last person I want to that I want a dildo but I m too young to get one by myself (12) and masturbating is boring without something else.
(16 February 2018)

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