Thursday 29 March 2018

Darwin Meets

Just seeing how many people have met someone off here_ Karen:I need some really cute ways to ask a girl out over text.(27 March 2018) Ja:My Mom’s 1st first younger brother uncle paddy is asking me and letting me to do hindu god bhajan’s sandhyaavandhanam?(27 March 2018) Leon:If a girl gives you her number?(27 March 2018) Vilma:It’s my due [...]

I keep deleting all the texts i receive from the guy who doesnt really want a relationship? is this smart or unhealthy?
(25 March 2018)

Can someone please tell me if this is love?
(25 March 2018)

He just gives me so much happiness and I thank God for this happiness everyday.
(25 March 2018)

There s so much more I could say but it would take me so long to type it.
(25 March 2018)

Whenever I go to sleep every night I get so excited because I have just peace and quiet and I can just think about him until I fall asleep.
(25 March 2018)

I think about him non-stop and I ve dreamt about him so much and the dreams are usually about him just helping me out and talking to me and being so kind.
(25 March 2018)

I ll be looking at pictures and videos of him and I try to show my family and friends because I want them to see how funny and amazing he is.
(25 March 2018)

I ll be with my friends and every word they say just reminds me of him and I just start talking and talking about him until my friends get annoyed.
(25 March 2018)

Whenever I see their face I catch myself smiling without knowing what I m doing.
(25 March 2018)

I feel more happiness towards this person than sexual feelings.
(25 March 2018)

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