Friday 30 March 2018

Female in Their 40s are.. HOT!

Females in their 40s are Hot! That is more than just good looking. It is a hormonal thing. It seems that female bodies tend to blast themselves with extra hormones during this age. It may be the last_ Pauline:It feels like I can’t trust people unless they’re girls.(29 March 2018) Pauline:It’s so disrespectful and annoying, especially if [...]

Im out of state & not attending the wedding of a close familly friend's daughter.
(26 March 2018)

17 year old guy and 21 year old girl?
(26 March 2018)

I am a virgin ( guy ) and she is not.
(26 March 2018)

How do i do this!?
(26 March 2018)

Should I tell him Im turned off by his behavior and explain or let him go?
(26 March 2018)

I dont want to seem clingy or jealous because im not, im just really grossed out by all this.
(26 March 2018)

He is asking to see me and asking why am i being distant.
(26 March 2018)

He had told me he hated her because she had cheated and had secret abortions.
(26 March 2018)

And on top of that, I just saw that he likes his ex gf's posts and she like his, and she also tagged him in a pic taken today at a restaurant with friends.
(26 March 2018)

Everything was great until he decided to start talking about girls he hit on a few days ago.
(26 March 2018)

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