Thursday 1 March 2018

Love your freedom?

Thank a vet._ Donetta:Before being single I had two five-year relationships, but towards the end of both it just felt like we were going through the motions and I never really felt loved by them.(27 February 2018) Donetta:I’m 34 and female, I’m told I’m a good catch yet it seems impossible for me to even meet guys.(27 [...]

I was supposed to go out with her and her friends, but when it came time to go out, I was super tired from work, and not wanting to.
(25 February 2018)

Tonight we had our biggest argument.
(25 February 2018)

We rarely argue, and when we do its over small things and is quickly resolved.
(25 February 2018)

Hi - Got a great relationship going with this sweet girl for over a year now.
(25 February 2018)

Friends with my ex...yes or no?
(25 February 2018)

No one makes me laugh when I'm sick like he does.
(25 February 2018)

I can't imagine not being his friend and have always thought of him as a soul mate.
(25 February 2018)

I still think he has feelings for me even though he says he is ok with me dating other guys.
(25 February 2018)

But I'm not sure if i can see him flirt with other women yet.
(25 February 2018)

But I love the person he is regardless and i love having him as a friend.
(25 February 2018)

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