Tuesday 6 March 2018

Scratching An Itch

Indulgence: the act of doing something that you enjoy but that is usually thought of as wrong or unhealthy; something that is done or enjoyed as a special pleasure This site is built around indulgence_ Genevieve:I drink pretty heavily, smoke cigarettes and weed fairly constantly, and don t eat how I should.(27 February 2018) Genevieve:So, the real [...]

How do I cope with the agony of never meeting a cousin of my grandfather?
(2 March 2018)

Does he still know me in spirit?
(2 March 2018)

I never met him (he'd be my first cousin twice removed). I thought of going into his restaurant when in New Jersey at Thanksgiving but figured I'd wait until I am with my grandfather sometime since his cousin had never met me.
(2 March 2018)

Should I stop being her friend since she's not answering my phone?
(2 March 2018)

I heard rumors that her husband gets violent and has beaten up some of his own family members.
(2 March 2018)

She's not answering my phone calls.
(2 March 2018)

I am worried about her and my other friend also got worried about her.
(2 March 2018)

If she's in a happy relationship, I'm happy for her but something tells me that she's not okay.
(2 March 2018)

Her and husband got married privately without nobody knowing about it but that's okay, that's her business.
(2 March 2018)

We are not best friends anymore because we are older now and she hide her wedding from me.
(2 March 2018)

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