Tuesday 20 March 2018

So about 13 paintings on the go now ……

……. New neighbours to this part of town. Outside doing an addition piece to their front walkway. Backyard looks at a industrial place which unforetunatly we still need. A Telus location for some_ Gertrudis:How to tell the difference between a girl that is independent and a girl that is blowing you off?(16 March 2018) Gertrudis:I feel the [...]

It's like she doesn't even know how low my self esteem is.
(16 March 2018)

Saying I think I'm perfect, which I know I'm far from.
(16 March 2018)

I happened to sleep in this morning after being at the gym until about 2am and now she's going off on me.
(16 March 2018)

I'm 25 and still live with her, but I have two jobs and go to school.
(16 March 2018)

My girlfriend is in a bad mood fridays,after work like clockwork. Is that part of relationships or normal because I'm getting tired of it?
(16 March 2018)

Otberwise shes very good to me all the time.
(16 March 2018)

She wont and will either storm off or be miserable and defensive.
(16 March 2018)

I will go workout, get some air, play a video game, or destress, or clean the house.
(16 March 2018)

It doesnt bring me down anymore because I stopped tolerating it.
(16 March 2018)

We had a nice night and everything but she's really unpleasant to be around every other weekend.
(16 March 2018)

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