Tuesday 6 March 2018

Ten of us Are in Charleston

Hi honey,There was no posting last week, since there was not much to write about. We were all tired, and had things to do to get ready for our trip to South Carolina. We are now in the Charleston area_ Helena:This man ain’t on the job to play games.(26 February 2018) Helena:Im they boss, least they could [...]

My stomach is starting to bulge and my uterus feels very full and heavy.
(2 March 2018)

I took another one and its negative.
(2 March 2018)

The next period only lasted 3 days and was only blood clots.
(2 March 2018)

About 3 months ago I had what I assume was an ectopic pregnancy because I had positive pregnancy test and than started my period and got negative test after wards.
(2 March 2018)

What do you feel about this girl name?
(2 March 2018)

I don't really know and i honestly need help figuring this out.
(2 March 2018)

They say if she texts me withing the next day she probably does, if not probably doesn't.
(2 March 2018)

A couple of my friends said i should wait to see how long it takes for her to text me first since we hung out.
(2 March 2018)

What can i do or say to find out if she likes me?
(2 March 2018)

I don't want to ask her directly.
(2 March 2018)

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