Friday 23 March 2018

…what are you listening to now?

Stumbled across some new music a couple of weeks ago. I was having dinner and watching Golden State eviscerate Oklahoma City a couple of Saturdays ago, and the bartender had some music on the sound sy_ Loree:I personally have spoken to him once or twice but basic conversations.(20 March 2018) Loree:I am well you could say majorly [...]

Do you have experience with platonic relationships with the opposite sex?
(19 March 2018)

Also how do other ladies view things when a guy has a platonic relationship with a lady?
(19 March 2018)

Do things get less awkward as time goes on and is it possible to form an emotional bond with someone of the opposite sex without things getting romantic?
(19 March 2018)

I feel that she wants to make an emotional connection but I am hesitent to allow myself to connect with her on this level because I don t want to overstep the boundaries of our friendship.
(19 March 2018)

I am curious if anyone has any input to this situation and I am curious to hear any personal experience.
(19 March 2018)

I am not sure I would ever want to form a romantic relationship with her for personal reasons.
(19 March 2018)

We communicated and have decided that status is pretty solid.
(19 March 2018)

After she had a few drinks she got really clingy and I was a bit confused about things remaining platonic.
(19 March 2018)

She is one of the ladies that I have been able to start asking for relationship advice from and I find her input to be very valuable.
(19 March 2018)

This experience has been a bit of a learning curve for me so far as I have never really gotten to know someone of the opposite sex without considering them as a potential partner.
(19 March 2018)

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