Wednesday 7 March 2018


When do You realize that You need bigger clothes..Are they not embarrassed??? What is Your thought..opinion???_ Soila:What is a good excuse to postpone a meeting?(27 February 2018) Soila:The problem is he is going to be here in 12 days.. And he will stay for 3 months before he leaves again.(27 February 2018) Soila:Get some clothes because nothing fits [...]

Unique baby names for each gender?
(3 March 2018)

I work at a grocery store and theirs this older that works with me?
(3 March 2018)

I just find it odd because if he was younger than it would be counted as flirting.
(3 March 2018)

Whenever he walks by, he always pokes me or pitches me.
(3 March 2018)

Boy stares at me as we walk past eachother everyday?
(3 March 2018)

Which first made me wonder does he like me and what should I do?
(3 March 2018)

Sometimes I avoid making eye contact because I get nervous.One time I saw a friend in the hall and my face lit up and his was near and he facial expressions seemed softer if that sense.
(3 March 2018)

When he stares he doesn't smile but he doesn't look creepy.
(3 March 2018)

Now that I realized he stares at me I get really nervous IDK why.
(3 March 2018)

Like one time I was sitting at my lunch table and he passed by and it felt like slow motion lol.
(3 March 2018)

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