Tuesday 24 April 2018


Gaze scott6250I gaze upon thy glorious beauty andmy heart grows faint with desire,and soul pants with passion as mymind swoons in dreamy imagination,and I am unable to find the words toat last portray_ Dahlia:I had some confusions about him coz i thought that he was sending me mixed signals.(20 April 2018) Dahlia:We talked and talked since then [...]

How come boring people tend to attract boring people?
(19 April 2018)

Do relationships where u break up many times work in the end?
(19 April 2018)

So both of my 2 best girlfriends are annoying me so much they are always breaking up with their boyfriends and begin dating like week later sometimes a day later.
(19 April 2018)

Can charges be pressed against us for unknowingly going into a wedding reception being held at a college?
(19 April 2018)

We didn't break anything, steal anything, or even make a scene but the people found out because my friend posted a picture and now they want to press charges against us?
(19 April 2018)

When we realized it was a wedding reception we left, which was after maybe 5-10 minutes.
(19 April 2018)

There weren't any signs saying it was a private event or not to go in or anything so we went in.
(19 April 2018)

A friend and myself went to an event at our college this past weekend thinking it was something being held by a fraternity, but ended up being a wedding reception.
(19 April 2018)

Why do girls approach guys?
(19 April 2018)

She later call me that she want us to be friend 2) my new neighbour 3) a girl i have never meet approach me and say hi then she couldnt say anything again then she left.
(19 April 2018)

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