Tuesday 3 April 2018


[image][image2]_ Mireya:How do i get my mom to unground me?(2 April 2018) Mireya:Please be respectful and don’t judge me for having sex.(2 April 2018) Mireya:Is there anyway i can convince her to give it back?(2 April 2018) Mireya:I have my phone taken and I take classes at a community college where i live. its really hard not having a [...]

This guy genuinely thought I was beautiful the night he met me, he was also drunk but I really did look very pretty and every guy turned around to look at me and compliment my looks that night.
(29 March 2018)

What middle name would you be pair with it?
(29 March 2018)

I hate my parents because they are boring what should I do?
(29 March 2018)

Don't you agree that they are stupid and boring?
(29 March 2018)

Who sounds like the problem me or them?
(29 March 2018)

I hate them so much, they think I'm the problem.
(29 March 2018)

We have never actually went somewhere as a family before, whenever I tell them this they get defensive.
(29 March 2018)

They never like to do anything fun, I am home all day because we never go anywhere, the only place where we go is the grocery store... how boring.
(29 March 2018)

That's pretty much what they do everyday, they just sit down and watch tv, they are lazy.
(29 March 2018)

My dad is retired and he just sits at home all day reading newspapers or watching tv, my mom just works all day and comes home and puts make up on and then watches tv, she spends so much time putting make up on even though she's just staying at home.
(29 March 2018)

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