Wednesday 18 April 2018

it takes at least two

a consenting woman and a man pleasuring each other and satisfying each others desires though the fine and silky, wet, tight and sexy art of sex,_ Rae:This story is absolutely true, and I’m sure if you googled it, it would show up somewhere.(12 April 2018) Rae:However, as soon as he saw the scars I had from him, [...]

Stacy would always get mad because I showed Sally attention, and this got on my nerves a little but I ignored it, because she was my best friend and I loved her anyway.
(14 April 2018)

Sally and I are practically the same person and clicked immediately.
(14 April 2018)

Stacy became super jealous because Sally and I were becoming close.
(14 April 2018)

When this school year began, we got introduced to a lot of new people and I sat next to a girl, lets call her Sally, in one of my classes that I also had Stacy in.
(14 April 2018)

Stacy and I were amazingly close, we hung out almost every weekend and shared a lot of memories.
(14 April 2018)

So, I became best friends with my best friend last year.
(14 April 2018)

How to make someone calm down?
(14 April 2018)

He asks everyday and I always say no, so he walks around holding himself instead.
(14 April 2018)

He wants me to buy him one, but I'm reluctant because I don't think it's necessary to wear a cup to places like school, under his bathing suit at the pool, or to piano lessons.
(14 April 2018)

My son is scared to death of being hit in the testicles, to the point where he insists on wearing a cup everywhere he goes.
(14 April 2018)

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