Saturday 7 April 2018

Sexy is 82% mental

Even if you could have sex 8 of your 16 waking hours, you still would have to enjoy the company of whoever you were doing it with, when you weren’t doin’ it. That’s why a lot of hook-ups don’t work o_ Brittani:He runs an international business from home so he can live pretty much anywhere.(30 March [...]

He's now casually seeing someone.
(3 April 2018)

I only went on a few dates with this guy but long story short we did't realize that we were both into each other until afterwards.
(3 April 2018)

44 year old f boy?
(3 April 2018)

Also is he considered a pervert if he is and played young females?
(3 April 2018)

Is it possible to be a 44 year old man and be a player?
(3 April 2018)

Progesteron capsuls?
(3 April 2018)

Is it going to help the pregnancy stick?
(3 April 2018)

So im pregnant and this is my 2nd pregnancy, last year I had a miscarriage and I found out at my appointment i am a negative blood type so i got the Rhogam shot and my DR started me on pregesteron pills.
(3 April 2018)

My bf doesn't mind if I cheat on him on holidays?
(3 April 2018)

I'm really upset and I don't know what this means, I feel like he doesn't care about me and thinks it's ok if he does it.
(3 April 2018)

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