Tuesday 17 April 2018

Smeary Mess by Bunikins - Part 13

This themed chain blog was started by mystelle. She tagged doe_ra_me who tagged PassionCork who then tagged spunkycumfun who then tagged joisygirl, who tagged kinkyfem73 who in turned tagged HermanG67_ Nana:And do u go naked, with a towel, or with swimmers on.(11 April 2018) Jeanelle:My fiancee cheated on her exams in college. will she cheat on me, [...]

I have an unhealthy addiction to a man that is completely wrong for me?
(12 April 2018)

Why am i so whipped even after all he put me through.
(12 April 2018)

He lives a fast lifestyle he works but hes in a gang and hes an up and comming musician (rapper). sorry for the long story, I just really need advice on what to do, should i give in to what my heart wants which is him.
(12 April 2018)

Calling me and texting me and reciprocating my emotions, he wants me to move to Newyork with him.
(12 April 2018)

Now fastfoward to now. we are back in contact and hes a completely different person.
(12 April 2018)

He moved to newyork a couple years back i went to see him he did something that broke my heart.
(12 April 2018)

I know in my heart that hes wrong for me but this is the same heart that skips a beat at the thought of him.
(12 April 2018)

I dream of us married with children.
(12 April 2018)

I just could not shake the feeling i have for this man.
(12 April 2018)

The whole time we werent im contact I dreamed about him for years.
(12 April 2018)

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