Wednesday 9 May 2018

Fakes and Liars

Fake and Liars abound on this site. Why do some people do this?_ Bee:Why do black mothers always have attitudes?(29 April 2018) Bee:Dont flag my question i honestly want it answered…(29 April 2018) Tomiko:How can I meet a famous wrestler?(29 April 2018) Tomiko:I was wondering if there’s any way I can let him meet Edge.(29 April 2018) Tomiko:Hey, my boyfriend [...]

I told him I wasn't interested in dating him since he was So hurt.
(5 May 2018)

This guy I went out with showed so much interest until he blurted out an entire text about how his ex left him and how hurt he felt.
(5 May 2018)

He just turned 8. What do you think of his name ?
(5 May 2018)

Rocky Andrew named after one if his mom's favorite country singers Rockie Lynne who never even made it real big and after her cousin Andrew who is in the army she's really close too.
(5 May 2018)

I am very mature for my age and we had an instant connection.i know I need to wait at least a couple years before anything more than friends?
(5 May 2018)

At what time will it be okay for more than friends?
(5 May 2018)

I've fallen for a 22 year old and I'm a 15 year old girl.
(5 May 2018)

Why do women often willingly choose guys who are losers and douchebags who aren't even good looking?
(5 May 2018)

Should I cancel the first date?
(5 May 2018)

Is it bad impression to cancel first date?
(5 May 2018)

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