Sunday 13 May 2018

Feeding hubby his first cream-pie!

For years my husband Steve has wanted me to fuck other men, and like many women who post, I felt uneasy about it. It did excite me, and I started fantasizing about all the men I knew and began masturb_ Karey:Then, she started following us everywhere we went, listening to all of our conversations (even the [...]

We moved recently to a bigger place (from a 2 bd to a 3 bd), so the living room is smaller than we had.
(9 May 2018)

Hubby wants to get rid of our rocking chair.
(9 May 2018)

After the '2nd date' she text me and i said we should hang out again, she replied 'id love to hang out with you' but is this more of a friendzone thing thing?
(9 May 2018)

I find it hard to be intimate with pople to be honest and i get a bit nervous sometimes and im sure she can see that.
(9 May 2018)

Im not so good at the whole dating thing, but ive met a girl a few times, no kissing, no sex or anything, but she seems very genuine.
(9 May 2018)

He bends over backwards to ensure the other ladies' in our children lives are honored on Mother's Day, but nothing for the woman who actually gave them life.
(9 May 2018)

What you call high maintenance, I call being disrespected.
(9 May 2018)

Mother's Day?
(9 May 2018)

I've told what specifically what I wanted this year (even gave him a couple of options): an afternoon to go a movie or a crafting class or a spa day; neither of which he agreed with.
(9 May 2018)

The Godmothers and babysitter are all wonderful ladies, but what about the kids' ACTUAL mother?
(9 May 2018)

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