Thursday 10 May 2018

Tradtional Relationships. Traditional Roles

Tradtional Relationships. Traditional Roles Life is funny and takes turns. Time goes on and then expires. People do and do not necessarily follow all the rules. Feminism has said women are empowered a_ Isidra:Should I just get over my fear and keep dating him or move on with my life?(30 April 2018) Isidra:I love this guy so [...]

How do I deal with people hating on our relationship?
(5 May 2018)

I have her now and she reassures me by saying I'll always be in her heart and calling me cute but I feel like I have something to prove to those haters so I've been going to the gym for a week now taking supplements.
(5 May 2018)

I'm 18 she's 23 but while a lot of people say we're cute together there's some people who say she's out of my league.
(5 May 2018)

I'm finally going out with this girl I've had a crush on ever since I was like 12. She's a little bit older.
(5 May 2018)

How do I move on with my life at the age of 33 when I have been traumatized since childhood?
(5 May 2018)

I guess it's just hard for me to wrap my head around all of this I never wanted to think of myself as an abused child I always wanted to believe I was loved and Care for like like everyone else.
(5 May 2018)

I was unaware of why I had so many difficulties in life but now I'm beginning to understand.
(5 May 2018)

I began to realize because of my childhood I attracted people like this into my life and now I've been learning a lot on the internet and through self-help.
(5 May 2018)

When I got older I met a very abusive woman who beat me and the same things.
(5 May 2018)

He used to blow up and throw things at my mom I used to not be able to deal with so much stress in the house so I began to cut myself I remember the first time I cut myself I carved the word hate into my arm.
(5 May 2018)

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