Sunday 3 June 2018

Tempting Guys and Gals for Tuesday (Pics)

Tempting people for your Tuesday._ Alethia:Why i started to miss her terribly????(2 June 2018) Rosemarie:How do I approach my sister in law after she had an accident in my car?(2 June 2018) Rosemarie:I looked at the car and there was only damage done the passenger side of the car and no damage to the rear of it.(2 June [...]

But I will not be treated or talked to like that anymore.
(30 May 2018)

I love you and I m always here for you.
(30 May 2018)

Now if you want to talk about the real reason why you re upset and allow me to be supportive of you we can do that.
(30 May 2018)

I am your partners and your equal and I deserve to be respected.
(30 May 2018)

If you re significant other takes out their stress and frustrations on you.
(30 May 2018)

Is there a way that I can find a wedding set (engagement ring and wedding band) from Kay s Jewelers, from back in 2012?
(30 May 2018)

I have been looking for them for years but I can t find them anywhere.
(30 May 2018)

She was angry and embarrassed but i dont care to be honest so what do you all think?
(30 May 2018)

So i said im tired of this so i got pay back and dumped that all over her in front of a bunch of people.
(30 May 2018)

So i know she likes her hair to look nice and likes to look good so i said i'm tired of being treated like a subhuman second class person.
(30 May 2018)

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