Tuesday 5 June 2018

The ugly truth.

My father said they are three thing that will piss people off, and to never talk about them. Sex, religion and politics. Sex is what you want or feel is right for you, be you gay, bi or straight. It i_ Romona:I dont know her personally but I had one class with her and I dont [...]

A guy came near to me and he asked me where i go out because he has never met me somewhere....why?
(1 June 2018)

The truth on rh neagitives?
(1 June 2018)

Am I wrong from for cutting my ex off?
(1 June 2018)

I just feel it's hindering my growth and preventing me from moving on.
(1 June 2018)

I sent him a text this morning saying I don't think we should be friends anymore due to the fact I continue to dwell on the past and it's not healthy for our friendship.
(1 June 2018)

However, I still can't get over the past (he cheated on me) and I continue to dwell on it.
(1 June 2018)

My ex and I haven't been together since last year but we've been best friends since then.
(1 June 2018)

Should I move apartments?
(1 June 2018)

Its only for a few months and the roommate does not visit often.
(1 June 2018)

Would you move if you were disrespected by this?
(1 June 2018)

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