Sunday 1 July 2018

After the recent blogs I just read I bid you adieu.

Too much drama for me. That is all…_ James:Am i hot..?(29 June 2018) Veronica:Since it was hot out and I did not go in anyplace and was only gone for about 30 minutes I just drove in my bare feet and left my shoes at home.(29 June 2018) Zona:What does it mean if guy chases you 2 years [...]

My friend, left me and talked to everyone else.
(27 June 2018)

Everyone started laughing when I arrived.
(27 June 2018)

I went to a football party, and left as soon as I got there because no one talked to me.
(27 June 2018)

Will our future children have the same issues as their half brother?
(27 June 2018)

The situation that my stepson was born into was no where near ideal, my fiance even says he loves him but wishes sometimes he had never had him.
(27 June 2018)

I know I just wanna reassure him that there is nothing to fear about having more children.
(27 June 2018)

And my fiance's mother is not much help in that department either, I can see where my fiance's own problems stem from.
(27 June 2018)

I'm hoping once the 3 of us start living together things will get better for my stepson as he's bounced around so much because his mother and her family only spend time with him when its convenient for them.
(27 June 2018)

I have tried to reassure him that while it's possible it's not likely.
(27 June 2018)

From what mental health professionals have told us he has some form of autism, possibly turrets syndrome, has school behavioral issues and still soils himself.
(27 June 2018)

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