Tuesday 24 July 2018

Dumb is not Unique to One Place :)

1. In seven U.S. states, according to their constitutions, atheists are barred from holding public office.2. In Minnesota, a person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head.3. Interracial m_ Maida:He let me sleep on the bed while he slept on the floor.(22 July 2018) Maida:He bought me drinks and after since it was [...]

What do you think of the name Grayson Cole?
(23 July 2018)

If you dislike Grayson, what are some other first name suggestions that you have for the middle name of Cole?
(23 July 2018)

Any advice for my current school situation?
(23 July 2018)

What should I do about my current school situation? any wise advise?
(23 July 2018)

I was texting my boyfriend and I was telling him about some of the stuff my ex boyfriend did?
(23 July 2018)

Am I at fault for making him cross with me?
(23 July 2018)

So was I in the wrong for saying a few things about my ex boyfriend to my current boyfriend?
(23 July 2018)

And my boyfriend talked about us breaking up.
(23 July 2018)

It was just a few things and my boyfriend got mad with me about this and said I still cared about him and I must want to be with him again.
(23 July 2018)

I really want this to work out and so does she, what should i do?
(23 July 2018)

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