Saturday 21 July 2018

How To Get Laid Without Being a Complete Twat.

HAPPY 69th POST EVERYONE!!! [image1]Yesterday I came across this on a subreddit I frequent, and it pretty much embodies everything I believe in regards to sex and finding a suitable playmate. Most of_ Virginia:Is it ok to leave a girl that gave you her virginity and loves you to death?(19 July 2018) Margherita:Why did a 29 year [...]

Custody Issues?
(19 July 2018)

Can someone confirm if what I'm doing is wrong or not wrong?
(19 July 2018)

My ex-husband later proceeds to threaten me with calling up his lawyer and have full custody.
(19 July 2018)

I only went to go see him at school because I miss him.
(19 July 2018)

Tuesday, I went to go see my son at school on his week.
(19 July 2018)

Me and my ex-husband have joint custody and see our son week by week.
(19 July 2018)

How do left hand muslims like Obama masturbate?
(19 July 2018)

I came on the couch at 1-2am, and my girl went to work at 4. i wiped up that area with a dry rag after i was done,could she get preg touchIT?
(19 July 2018)

I think HE'S my soul mate. He sulks when I hurt him but he keeps coming back. What does this mean. It's not like he needs me?
(19 July 2018)

He has plenty of women after him.
(19 July 2018)

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