Saturday 7 July 2018

Remembering A Good Guy - Boris4772

As Lala has told y’all Boris4772 suddenly passed away Friday For Boris: Far Away But Forever My Friend – a sad day for A*F*F/Pazzion blogville. B was one of the bloggers I have talked to by phone_ Ileana:She’s pregnant so lots of things are upsetting to her right now.(28 June 2018) Ileana:My sister said she’s lucky not [...]

Should I give up on my crush, or just never tell anyone and never act on it?
(4 July 2018)

But recently, one of my friends told me she has a crush on one of my male friends.
(4 July 2018)

I've always been the supportive friend, and most of my female friends talk to me about crushes and such.
(4 July 2018)

Social Science: My neighbor copies everything I do on the outside of my house?
(4 July 2018)

I'm getting this weird feeling she's doing damage.
(4 July 2018)

Weird thing is, when I'm away and return, I'm finding some damage to things around my house, like path lighting, flowers, etc.. She knows when I'm away without me telling her.
(4 July 2018)

She'll ask where I bought things and tries to one up me.
(4 July 2018)

What do you call a woman who is 6 months pregnant and would get in someones face during an almost fight in front her house?
(4 July 2018)

Why do some parents kick their kids out at 18 while others are supportive and support their kids until their late 20s?
(4 July 2018)

From what I've noticed, it all comes down to finances.
(4 July 2018)

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