Saturday 7 July 2018

Remembering A Good Guy - Boris4772

As Lala has told y’all Boris4772 suddenly passed away Friday For Boris: Far Away But Forever My Friend – a sad day for A*F*F/Pazzion blogville. B was one of the bloggers I have talked to by phone_ Ileana:She’s pregnant so lots of things are upsetting to her right now.(28 June 2018) Ileana:My sister said she’s lucky not [...]

These scars are at least 5 years old and were the result of the last time I ever deliberately hurt myself.
(4 July 2018)

To be honest, it's not something I even think about anymore, apart from when I'm trying to cover up some pretty visible scars on my upper thigh.
(4 July 2018)

I hate to admit it, but once when he asked(he had an ex that cut herself and then proceeded to blackmail him with her life) I said no without even thinking.
(4 July 2018)

I love him so much, and have opened up with him about mostly every aspect of my life, except for the period of time that I self-harmed.
(4 July 2018)

If things continue to go well for the next half year or so, we will most likely be moving in together.
(4 July 2018)

I've been dating this guy for nearly a year and he's absolutely wonderful.
(4 July 2018)

I never gained any weight nor am I overweight btw.
(4 July 2018)

Why does he yell my name in front of his friends?
(4 July 2018)

This guy always yells my name in front of his friends every time we see each other until he gets my attention and he smiles at me all the time.
(4 July 2018)

How to resolve a conflict between family members?
(4 July 2018)

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