Thursday 19 July 2018


hi i am strate so i won’t suck a nother man but might be willing to let him suck me if i am injoying his lady at the same time i just need sombudy to let me try_ Santa:He and I were staring at each other without speaking.(16 July 2018) Lucila:How to make yourself attractive?(16 July 2018) Lucila:I’m [...]

When I see the cousin people get annoyed with me and say I am enabling.
(17 July 2018)

My mother strongly dislikes my brother's wife. I find this mean. Are her reasons valid?
(17 July 2018)

I feel a mother-in-law must like the daughter-in-law or is just as guilty as if a parent disliked their own kid.
(17 July 2018)

Numbers 3 and 4 are my mother's main complaints.
(17 July 2018)

Otherwise I don't get why my mother feels this way.
(17 July 2018)

I agree 10 days is a long time to visit, I would do 2 or 3 if in that position.
(17 July 2018)

Also she acknowledged that she had sympathy on the daughter-in-law when her brother died of an overdose last year (the daughter-in-law's brother). Are these valid reasons and if just some are which ones?
(17 July 2018)

The only good thing my mother has ever said is that she likes that the daughter-in-law is kind to my brother's son from his 1st marriage and respectful to the mother for the sake of the kid.
(17 July 2018)

What does it mean if as a guy, I'm sexually attracted to bigger, physically stronger dominant women?
(17 July 2018)

I am 4 months pregnant and my boyfriend all of a sudden want to move to a different state. What should I do?
(17 July 2018)

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