Monday 9 July 2018

When is enough really enough?

Just a thought.. Story of my life._ Lezlie:I just want people to accept me for who I am you know?(3 July 2018) Lezlie:I have really bad luck because I scare them off by being too open about myself and my secret life online and somewhat in real life.(3 July 2018) Lezlie:So today I was thinking about ways to [...]

My grandparents asked me to mow the backyard lawn this week, however their manual mower does not reach down far enough to cut the grass to their satisfaction.
(8 July 2018)

I found my biological family what should I do?
(8 July 2018)

Any suggestions on what I should do.
(8 July 2018)

I also found out that I have 6 other siblings and he was with all of them and it kinda makes me feel sad because I did not have a father growing up.
(8 July 2018)

What should I do next I ran a background check and I found out where they work and have addresss, should I write to them or should I contact the rest of his family on social media.
(8 July 2018)

I tried contacting his mom but she blocked me.
(8 July 2018)

Im 25 years old right now and I found his parents and siblings on social media.
(8 July 2018)

All she had left of him well was me and some pictures.
(8 July 2018)

His family was in the military and they did move a lot but he just left without letting her know before hand.
(8 July 2018)

My biological father left while my mom was pregnant with me.
(8 July 2018)

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