Saturday 4 August 2018

“Do they fist you?”

…wat[image1]_ Brenda:I’d be glad if you could share your stories…(4 August 2018) Brenda:I know that I want to work for myself and be my own boss but I just can’t figure out what I really want in this path Have you ever felt the same?(4 August 2018) Lorrie:Why are there ignorant people who think that the father [...]

I acted on my feelings in the moment and can't look at my wife I've been avoiding contact with her and to make things worse I'm still doing jobs around the house for my mother in law who keeps wanting more to happen between us.
(1 August 2018)

She's recently divorced my mother's father so on her part did nothing wrong in seducing me.
(1 August 2018)

My mother in law had me over to paint up her dog's kennel and after the job was done I stayed for dinner.
(1 August 2018)

Is it bad to think in a eugenics kind of way when choosing a partner?
(1 August 2018)

I believe attraction is formed in the young brain, and his mother's face looking down at him a lot likely forms the tastes.
(1 August 2018)

As he will likely when he is an adult get with an Asian woman and increase the corrective eugenics for intelligence.
(1 August 2018)

My son also likes Asian girls the most, which I am pleased to hear.
(1 August 2018)

After all, life is a competition and I don't want to set up my children to fail just by breeding with some woman that maybe I find pretty, but essentially isn't smart and will produce less intelligent children who will struggle in life more to compete.
(1 August 2018)

Some people may call my taste racist, but if my children are doing very well then I consider my choice the right thing to do.
(1 August 2018)

I just wanted to give my children the best chance in this competitive world, that's why I wanted to give them DNA which is conducive to high level thinking abilities.
(1 August 2018)

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