Thursday 16 August 2018

Injecting My Nawtiness into the Vanilla Dating World

So, what’s going on in my life? As per the usual, I’m not meeting men nor having sex, so it’s time to try yet another adventure avenue…I put myself on one of those vanilla dating sites with normal g_ Lauren:The majority of times I’ve had sex it’s been with strangers off the internet.(11 August 2018) Lauren:I’ve slept [...]

While i was in the hospital, i had my nurse charging my phone.
(14 August 2018)

Do You Ever Regret Being Nice?!?
(13 August 2018)

I was just trying to do a nice thing.... But then he treats me like im a terrible person.
(13 August 2018)

Hes known to be a liar alot so I dont even know why I trust him anymore.
(13 August 2018)

I say you know we are poor It would be nice for you to look for jobs & help out this family but then hes all like I was just testing you.
(13 August 2018)

So one day I confront him about it.
(13 August 2018)

So I did then a couple weeks went by a few moths went by & all I ever see him do is playing games again.
(13 August 2018)

I had a extra hard drive so I thought If I give it to him he will look for jobs like he says he will if I give it to him.
(13 August 2018)

I started seeing him going to the library just to look for jobs he really did try I started seeing him getting applications from stores so I feel really bad about it.
(13 August 2018)

My brother laptop hard drive broke.
(13 August 2018)

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