Friday 31 August 2018

Let me violate you in the most sensual way

His pants were the last thing to fall to the floor I lye back on the bed in my voluptuous nakedness. The crisp white sheet tossed scantly over my plump body allowing my milky white breasts to be compl_ Sheila:He has some issues with his family and he recently changed his phone number without sharing it [...]

Do white women that date outside their race only do it to piss off white men?
(28 August 2018)

Do men cry?
(28 August 2018)

Recently our son broke his leg and I cried till the sun went down and my boyfriend didn't say a word no tears at all.
(28 August 2018)

How do I talk to my wife about doing more sexually?
(28 August 2018)

It's like having sex with a mannequin.
(28 August 2018)

I've mentioned doing the latter two more and that I feel like we need to add more variety, but with everything we do it's like her brain shuts off and she just sits in one spot until I move her.
(28 August 2018)

I get uead maybe once every three months and during hand jobs she only goes for a minute or two then lays on her back and does nothing again.
(28 August 2018)

I am always on top in the same couple positions, and she says she doesn't feel anything when she is on top.
(28 August 2018)

My wife just lays there like a log during sex.
(28 August 2018)

Was she trying to tell me something?
(28 August 2018)

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