Monday 6 August 2018

my constant shame - the blacklist and the white

my constant shame - the blacklist and the whitethe blacklist and the whiteall those lists of many shadesthe bouncers on the doors to democracyso many lists and so little timeto ensure I get on every s_ Stefany:My parents have no problems with any other race and I dont want it to be racist or anything because [...]

Recently she mentioned how she tried getting approved for a second mortgage but the bank wants to see a higher salary.
(2 August 2018)

What is wrong with these women and why are they attached to all of these guys.
(2 August 2018)

If she doesn't get her way and she gets mad, you will find yourself bullied or jumped by a bunch of guys.
(2 August 2018)

You would say anything to her and theze random guys would appear and twist what you mean to make it sound like you meant something and retort what you say.
(2 August 2018)

You will say anything to her and these guys would appear and provoke you.
(2 August 2018)

You would meet her and then one day you would get around her and all of these random guys would begin to bully you in her presence.
(2 August 2018)

You would not know why this would happen, it would happen at random, haphazardly.
(2 August 2018)

If you try to hang with her and you just say any little thing to her these random guys would show up and try to cause a fight with you.
(2 August 2018)

You walk up to these women and try to talk to them where I live, first time around they might give you small talk, the next time around these guys would appear and smart off at you insult you or bully you when you try to talk to her.
(2 August 2018)

Possible to get back with ex? (read details)?
(2 August 2018)

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