Saturday 11 August 2018

My Memory…..

So I am sitting here after dinner, reading my news feed on the intertubes….and my iPod comes up with a tune by Santana…..early, probably the seventies…..and the organ part just jumps out at me.._ Gail:I never want to hang out with my friend??(4 August 2018) Georgiann:Women leave snail trails in panties through out the day?(4 August 2018) Wesley:What [...]

But 10 years later he's still fixing her car, doing yard work, arranging roof work for her, even went to the neighbor's house once to fight with a guy after he got in my moms face.
(8 August 2018)

What is the best pizza place in New York City?
(8 August 2018)

Why would a guy buy another man a gift?
(8 August 2018)

How to reveal a surprise birthday vacation to boyfriend? (creative way)?
(8 August 2018)

The trip is just over 3 weeks from now.
(8 August 2018)

I don't want to buy items as clues.
(8 August 2018)

We are going for dinner in a few days and I might do it then but unsure how to give him the clues.
(8 August 2018)

I want to reveal it by doing something creative like make a set of clues in envelopes or something but I'm not sure how to?
(8 August 2018)

Why would a man put up with a married girlfriend who cyber stalks other women she perceives as a threat? They are both in their mid 60's?
(8 August 2018)

I asked him he admitted it said she drank a lot, but it continued so I told him forget about it & didn't contact him again, and so far so good.
(8 August 2018)

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