Friday 31 August 2018

Question for the Women

How would you feel about your husband/ boyfriend watching another man pleasure you?_ Yoshie:This also lasted about 5 days, normal bleeding (for me). I thought it was odd.(30 August 2018) Yoshie:Started somewhere between the 18th and 20th.(30 August 2018) Yoshie:I then had another period towards the end of the month.(30 August 2018) Yoshie:Hard to remember dates but it was [...]

It made me so satisfy because that's how I felt when you purposely ignore my texts and calls.
(28 August 2018)

Did you know how freaken happy I was?
(28 August 2018)

From my peripheral's view, I can still see her turning looking at me.
(28 August 2018)

I literally pretended to look forward not seeing her.
(28 August 2018)

I saw her today eating by herself, and she stared at me.
(28 August 2018)

I got really irritated with her game, and was not going to deal with it anymore.
(28 August 2018)

When she calls or text, I reply, since I didn't want to leave her hanging.
(28 August 2018)

I text and call her days apart, and she will never reply or pick up.
(28 August 2018)

She been ghosting me for 2 weeks, and never reply to my text.
(28 August 2018)

I was done with classes and I, myself was exhausted.
(28 August 2018)

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