Tuesday 9 October 2018

a call you do not want to get.

So it is kinda close to my nightmare scenario.A phone call with a strangers voice asking just how do we know so and so. We seem to really be texting up a storm with each other.Uh I let the call go to_ Breana:It also is due to my history of being taken for granted and Advantage [...]

Just part of my anxiety I guess.
(7 October 2018)

Ok so I'm a very nice person, I will do favors for people and I oftentimes can't see when I'm being taken advantage of and when I do it's either too late or I Just don't or won't or can't speak up.
(7 October 2018)

How to not feel depressed at 39 weeks pregnant and alone?
(7 October 2018)

I feel as if my life's over and I can't move.
(7 October 2018)

What can I possibly do to not feel this way?
(7 October 2018)

I feel as if no one cares to the point where I'm asking people on here what can I do?
(7 October 2018)

Now I feel alone and like no one understands my frustration.
(7 October 2018)

I'm 27 years old and I have managed to hate myself for being pregnant and not doing things the right way... I hate myself even more when I think of what it could have been if I would've waited.
(7 October 2018)

What is he thinking about? Could you give some possible reasons for this guy's facial expression?
(7 October 2018)

I'm not sure if's attraction or something else.
(7 October 2018)

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