Tuesday 9 October 2018

A Sneaky Scenario

He sits on the steps Facing away from meAs I come down them.I want to sneak up Or rather down on him.Swoop in like he is my preyAnd plant a kiss On the back of his neck.I want him to be surprisedAnd I_ Almeta:I have a boyfriend yet I find myself thinking about this other guy. [...]

So they text for a bit, turns out they don t live very far away from each other, so that very same day giant bikes down to kitty s house... and that s when things go downhill.
(7 October 2018)

I tell my other friend, giant, about her and he instantly thinks she s super cool and REALLY want to get to know her so whit her permission I give him her number, she thinks it would be nice to have another friend.
(7 October 2018)

Ok so I have 2 best friends and one of them, kitty, is an extremely lonely person (I m her only friend). So naturally I wanted to try and help her get more friends because I care A LOT about her.
(7 October 2018)

How long should I wait to ask them to be mine?
(7 October 2018)

I don t want rejection because that would be awkward but I know it s a big possibility.
(7 October 2018)

Anyways, how much longer should I wait to ask her to be my girlfriend?
(7 October 2018)

She s also Muslim so I know things might be different in their culture compared to mine which is no culture lol.
(7 October 2018)

She said she had a good time and is excited for our next date.
(7 October 2018)

So, I ve been talking to this girl for going on three weeks and we went out on our first date last night and have 2 more planned already.
(7 October 2018)

How can I fix this issue?
(7 October 2018)

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