Thursday 25 October 2018


[image]_ Cecile:My sister is obsessed with the band Queen she was heart broken when she found out Freddie is dead.(23 October 2018) Adriana:It’s more a one-night stand than an affair.(23 October 2018) Chau:What should a tall skinny man do after he is easily outlifted in weightlifting by a short fat woman?(23 October 2018) Chau:Especially when he towers way over [...]

I ended things with him really bad but he deserved it.
(24 October 2018)

Well did she see me as the shy guy?
(24 October 2018)

Unfortunately dozens of guys came and sat at out table and also talked to her, and suddenly, I could not get a word in over them.
(24 October 2018)

I knew at that point she was interested.
(24 October 2018)

We started talking and she sat with me at the lunch table, without me even asking. her.
(24 October 2018)

After the final exam on the last time the class would ever be together, I went to lunch in the cafeteria, and when I was ordering she came over right beside me, and asked, how do you think you did?
(24 October 2018)

The Professor was across the room and she never took her eyes off of me to look at him.
(24 October 2018)

During it, she looked only at me.
(24 October 2018)

Near the end of the Semester, she made a class presentation.
(24 October 2018)

She always talked with the professor after class, so, I thought she was interested in him.
(24 October 2018)

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