Tuesday 2 October 2018

Drinking Song

The pleasures of Love and the joys of good Wine,To perfect our happiness, wisely we join!We, to Beauty, all day.Give the sovereign sway;And her favourite Nymphs devoutly obey!At the Plays, we are cons_ Yaeko:Why people I meet in university or online are pointlessly sarcastic, cold or lethargic.(1 October 2018) Yaeko:Why my mother and father lie to me [...]

My son is going to turn 13 next month.
(10 September 2018)

I am 23 and I feel like time is slipping away?
(10 September 2018)

I just wanted to get this out of my system...
(10 September 2018)

I have never even had a boyfriend.
(10 September 2018)

My friends have their life together, with degrees and relationships, and I don t have any of those things.
(10 September 2018)

I feel like I have no control over my own life, I feel lost and disconnected from the rest of the world.
(10 September 2018)

Would she stab me in the back??????
(10 September 2018)

But I feel like she treats me nicer and little bit more different than any workers.
(10 September 2018)

Someone even told me to be careful and to watch what I say around her, and to not talk to her much.
(10 September 2018)

But from what I heard, shes been complaining about alot of workers because she thinks shes better than everyone else in her department.
(10 September 2018)

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