Wednesday 24 October 2018

House sitting and adult souper vision

I ‘ve been staying with my two young friends for the last week or so , well since Monday as their dad had to go to work out of their area and their a bit too young to be by themselves . They usually_ Joycelyn:Majority of my classmates are female because I study nursing.(22 October 2018) Joycelyn:She [...]

He ignored my text?
(23 October 2018)

Im expecting him to text me tomorrow morning.
(23 October 2018)

Usually when he ignores my texts i just dont text until he texts me and idrc i act like nothings wrong but this time it bothered me because it was an kmportant conversation to me.
(23 October 2018)

I doubt he will text about it later tonight.
(23 October 2018)

But this time we were in the middle of a conversation and I was talking about how i feel about something (kind of important) and he totally ignored me.
(23 October 2018)

Other times he will open my text message but then respond hours later.
(23 October 2018)

Sometimes he ignores my texts but then texts me later.
(23 October 2018)

He compliments me he acts like he likes me.
(23 October 2018)

He texts me every morning and almost every night.
(23 October 2018)

This dude and i talk all the time.
(23 October 2018)

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