Thursday 18 October 2018

Live Chapter 8

At five o’clock the two ladies retired to dress, and at half-past six Elizabeth was summoned to dinner. To the civil inquiries which then poured in, and amongst which she had the pleasure of disti_ Delsie:My step-father began going out with this younger woman who is my half-sister from my Dad and former step-mother.(14 October 2018) Delsie:My [...]

Do you guys think he heard and knew what I said to him even though he cant move?
(16 October 2018)

I seen it all from early stage to late stage(four months).. Whenever I moved my head to make sure he looked at me, he looked at me like he was shocked to know that he remembers me, than he started staring at ceiling again like he doesn't know who I am.
(16 October 2018)

Why would a guy or a girl flirt with another person while they are in a relationship?
(16 October 2018)

How to deal with a boyfriend who never apologizes or thinks he did anything wrong?
(16 October 2018)

We are also talking about getting engaged soon so I'm hesitating if I should think things through.
(16 October 2018)

At first, I was not too bothered by this but I need to know if it's a red flag for future problems.
(16 October 2018)

When I tell him I'm upset about what he said, he finds a way to leave without trying to make things better.
(16 October 2018)

He has no filter at times and continues to say weird or disrespectful things to me.
(16 October 2018)

I am definitely not a perfect GF but when I know a certain subject bothers or hurts him, I make sure not to bring it up.
(16 October 2018)

My boyfriend of 8 years can be the coolest person but sometimes his actions make me doubt our relationship.
(16 October 2018)

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