Friday 5 October 2018

Naughty Nice Car Flash Show.

Would You Say My Naughty Car Flash Show_ Myrtie:Three days ago, she explained to me what maturation felt like.(7 September 2018) Myrtie:My strongest relationship is with my best friend.(7 September 2018) Myrtie:I have no libido really, and I am asexual.(7 September 2018) Maricela:There is this gay guy at my job who keeps hitting on me. What do I do?(7 [...]

By the way we re both HS freshmen.
(3 October 2018)

I don t recall any moment where we have spoken, so i m not sure what her intention was?
(3 October 2018)

So I said thanks and she walked back to her friends.
(3 October 2018)

Today while I was walking to class a girl that I recognized, but don t know the name of, stopped me while I was walking to say, completely out of nowhere, that I had pretty eyes.
(3 October 2018)

When my parents insult my mother's side of the family I feel ashamed to be hearing it but they keep doing it. Why might I feel this way?
(3 October 2018)

My folks are full of hatred and their estranged from my mother's half of the family and use me and my siblings to make statements against them.
(3 October 2018)

I'm mad at my sister cause she always bullies and belittles me even as an adult. How do I feel better without escalating it?
(3 October 2018)

She is so cruel she won't even get near her autistic nephew (my step-sister's son) due to him being awkward socially.
(3 October 2018)

Should I try to get closer to him? (Soon to be ex boss) help?
(3 October 2018)

Why is he always mean to me?
(3 October 2018)

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