Wednesday 17 October 2018

Referral Program

So ladies…thinking about starting a referral program here on the site…I often times get ‘request’ from men that are just not my thing. I’ll ‘refer’ those to anyone who might b_ Edelmira:Sorry for my English, it s not my first language.(13 October 2018) Edelmira:Any help would be greatly appreciated . Ps.(13 October 2018) Edelmira:Basically i want to [...]

What are some good journal starters?
(15 October 2018)

My boyfriend slept with someone while he and I were exclusive and lied to me about it. Do I reach out to the girl?
(15 October 2018)

I want to reach out to the girl (VERY POLITELY) and ask if they are, in fact, out of contact with one another.
(15 October 2018)

For some reason, I don t believe him.
(15 October 2018)

SIDE NOTE: I have had issues when it came to this girl before - she messaged him randomly a few times and, when I asked him about it, he said he had no idea why she was reaching out and that they don t talk.
(15 October 2018)

He said he was sorry, but that we weren t exclusive... even though he told me that we were a WEEK before they had slept with one another.
(15 October 2018)

I confronted him about it, I was honest and told him I found it in his phone and he immediately got defensive.
(15 October 2018)

He lied to me about the last time they slept with one another.
(15 October 2018)

In July, he and I weren t technically official, but we were exclusive.
(15 October 2018)

Long story short, I found a text that he had sent one of his friends about how he and this girl had slept with one another in July.
(15 October 2018)

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