Thursday 4 October 2018

Toys: Cock RIng

Recently I experienced sex enhanced by a cock ring. I am a fan. I have been grappling with how to describe why sex was even better than before. More firm, more enlarged and this meant more pressure in_ Reba:I was waiting for him to come visit last year but he ended up visiting that October.(4 October [...]

Idk anymore?
(2 October 2018)

That was years ago but lately I've been reading about coercing ppl into sex doesn't equal sex.
(2 October 2018)

And as you could imagine I eventually gave in.
(2 October 2018)

I would make up excusses and I would tell me him no but he would keep asking.
(2 October 2018)

He would say he just wanted to be friends but then he would ware me out asking for sex.
(2 October 2018)

I was stationed with this guy who knew I was assulated.
(2 October 2018)

Which brings me to the point of my question.
(2 October 2018)

After the assault I went totally out of control; I would throw myself at men just close enough to touch the line without crossing it.
(2 October 2018)

Back in 2011 while I was in the Air Force I was assaulted.
(2 October 2018)

Anyone else tired of not having someone interested in them?
(2 October 2018)

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