Thursday 11 October 2018

What Happens When the cock Is Big & The Pussy Is Tight.

What Happens When the cock Is Big & The Pussy Is Tight. This is what happens._ Joni:Should I take action when we are naked on bed?(6 October 2018) Joni:Does she imply we will have sex?(6 October 2018) Joni:I only kiss her and hold hands so far.(6 October 2018) Joni:She also told me she had been takng contraceptive pill too.(6 [...]

He would not lock the door or disappear.
(10 October 2018)

I had no idea for months on end.
(10 October 2018)

I found out recently that my husband would get me off during sex than he would masturbate 2 porn secretly.
(10 October 2018)

Was I having sex in my sleep?
(10 October 2018)

I wasn t drugged or anything if anyone says that, just confused.
(10 October 2018)

So what I want to know is , is that normal or what do you think was happening?
(10 October 2018)

I just felt so weird, I was like I have no idea what s going on right now and went back to bed after all that cause I was just too weirded out.
(10 October 2018)

I was thinking how did this even happen , it honestly felt like it came out from nowhere and I didn t remember anything before the middle of the foreplay.
(10 October 2018)

So after some time of this, I got really odd about who knows what and decided to check my phone and kinda blanked out for a bit, I was just so confused how we got to all that.
(10 October 2018)

Note that we didn t get into bed until 12 and whenever I get into bed I pass out within 15 minutes and wake up without even knowing when I fell asleep.
(10 October 2018)

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