Sunday 7 October 2018

Women Probably Won’t Like This Post

Happy Sunday.I just spent the whole day crawling around my house, caulking around the foundation.My hair is full of dirt and whatever I’ve laid in.My shoulders and hips hurt from scooting myself arou_ Michal:Other than that, the only guys I’ve ever liked boys my age, It’s always been guys who are 4-10 years older than I [...]

Does anyone else find Nicki Minaj unattractive?
(6 October 2018)

Thank goodness no one tells me that anymore.
(6 October 2018)

People seem to be confused when I say this, because I remember people telling me I looked like her growing up and I felt offended.
(6 October 2018)

I am also a black girl but she always looked funny looking to me.
(6 October 2018)

I feel wrong for saying this but I just never found her attractive.
(6 October 2018)

My male co-worker keeps texting me?
(6 October 2018)

I don't wanna cause no drama and get fired, considering this is my first job.
(6 October 2018)

Should I just try to tell him to leave me alone?
(6 October 2018)

Even if i do block him we're always on schedule together, so im gonna see him regardless.
(6 October 2018)

One time I overheard him and my other coworker talking (both males) about my butt and it made me uncomfortable i would wear the longest shirts i could find to cover up my butt.
(6 October 2018)

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