Saturday 10 November 2018

A mother and father read a bedtime story……………..

A mother and father read a bedtime story of a king to their five year old son. As the story concludes, the son says, “Mom, I also want five wives. One will cook, one will sing, one will bathe me…”Mo_ Sumiko:My partner and I live in the U.S., but I am German and i wish to [...]

I'm on day 19 out of my 32 day cycle and I have 13 days till my period.
(8 November 2018)

I had sex a few times last week right after my period with no protection.
(8 November 2018)

No appetite change, extremely exhausted, where I've been taking naps whenever I can.
(8 November 2018)

I've had mild cramping for 4 days, a pinch just below my belly button that's super mild but pops up randomly throughout the passed few days.
(8 November 2018)

I always get a ton of cm (cervical mucus) mild cramping for one day, insane appetite changes.
(8 November 2018)

So I ovulate every month at the same time.
(8 November 2018)

What is your take on a 21 year old female dating a 20 year old guy.
(8 November 2018)

Isn't the USA great?
(8 November 2018)

My assaulter got married?
(8 November 2018)

He was able to move on from the situation and act like it never happened, while I am mentally still dealing with the trauma.
(8 November 2018)

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