Thursday 15 November 2018

Autumn Colors on Election Day

I’m stuck on step three.[image1]It is an interesting race, an I’m sure I will have more to say in the morning. .. Or not. Watching it has been a roller-coaster ride. .. A local race won’_ Kathleen:Honestly I was going through some hormonal issues and if he really wanted the relationship I feel like we could’ve [...]

They are not so welcoming and give me cold shoulder even though me and SO (significant other) been together 3 years.
(13 November 2018)

Ok SO (significant other) and I had discussion a while back about his family.
(13 November 2018)

Who else would really like to see Hillary run against Trump again?
(13 November 2018)

I thought 2016 was fun, especially watching the primaries.
(13 November 2018)

Should I go to the party, and if so, what should I do regarding the things below?
(13 November 2018)

My friend seems really intent on going, as He really wants to hook up, and frankly, so do I, but I don't really know how to approach someone about that.
(13 November 2018)

Also, my very morally good sophomore brother will be there, and I feel he will either loathe me or tell my parents if I drink.
(13 November 2018)

Also, I fear I might do something very dumb that I will regret, or that will be recorded and my parents will see.
(13 November 2018)

But, my parents don't have any toleration for drinking underaged so it would be hard to get away with it considering they would probably be taking me home.
(13 November 2018)

I will never consider smoking, but drinking at a party I would think about, considering it would make me loosen up a little bit and make me a little less self-conscious.
(13 November 2018)

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