Tuesday 20 November 2018

Cindy My Love

Have you ever experienced a pussy that is so opulent you think of it when you wake up and before you go to bed. Your body shudders when you see her, you tremor when she speaks to you. She walks with_ Fransisca:Issues with husbands friend Help!?(17 November 2018) Fransisca:I’m sick of this giant man child squating in [...]

I'm very insecure and want plastic surgery (he doesn't want me to). He's way out of my league and could get anyone and nobody wants me, he probably dates me to make himself look good.
(19 November 2018)

I feel very stressed because he's beautiful and very intelligent and I feel like I can't do any better.
(19 November 2018)

He has implied that if I keep doing it, he will try to find somebody else.
(19 November 2018)

He said it was because I kept accusing him.
(19 November 2018)

I still keep accusing him and restricting his actions and I don't know if that will bring him to cheat on me.
(19 November 2018)

I love my boyfriend but we both nearly cheated on eachother in the beginning.
(19 November 2018)

I have a test tomorrow but I can't study and feel very distracted by my thoughts.
(19 November 2018)

I'm young and pretty, why do i feel intimidated when i date OLDER and attractive men?
(19 November 2018)

Should i text him after a week and a half of no texting?
(19 November 2018)

Has she been cheating on me with these guys?
(19 November 2018)

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