Saturday 24 November 2018

If You Want Her, You Must Claim Her

She is the high-value woman who has captured your attention, your mind and perhaps even your heart.You know her because she is self-possessed, grounded and conscious. She is aware of her worth without_ Shonda:We’ve known each other as friends for awhile then one thing lead to another and now we’re dating.(22 November 2018) Shonda:We’re both in our [...]

Was the breakup my fault? Ive gone over it a million times in my mind?
(23 November 2018)

I asked him to erase them or stop them, but he never did.
(23 November 2018)

He kept getting text messages all day and night (he has no friends or family and its not his boss or coworkers texting him). So, I asked what these messages were, and he said they were automated messages from porn girls he used to chat with.
(23 November 2018)

But there were other things I didn't understand.
(23 November 2018)

We had actually planned a date and then he freaked out (due to a PTSD attack) and went to a strip club instead of going on our date which he cancled(his normal routine before he met me). I forgave him due to his mental illness, and he started trusting me.
(23 November 2018)

You see, he lost EVERYONE....yes everyone in an earthquake years ago in a different country (which he survived through it). Since then, he hasn't attached to anyone except me.
(23 November 2018)

He was not ready for anything nor did he want anything due to his mental illness PTSD.
(23 November 2018)

First, it was me who wanted the relationship.
(23 November 2018)

All sorts of things went wrong from the beginning until the end.
(23 November 2018)

That's not an answer and you're just looking for cheap points, you're not amazing for pointing out someone else broke the rules.
(23 November 2018)

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