Wednesday 7 November 2018

No shave

I have read it’s no shave November. Is this true, has anybody else heard of this? Is anybody out there willing to do this? For the men out there it’s no big deal if they don’t shave, unless they are_ Iraida:Isn’t Gloria a nice name?(1 November 2018) Iraida:Why don’t many people use it anymore?(1 November 2018) Gretchen:Would girls [...]

I found a roommate to live with and I am aiming to start my life over as I have tried my whole life.
(6 November 2018)

I have about $3,500 in savings and a guaranteed job at a Club as a bartender in LA.
(6 November 2018)

Would someone easily be able murder someone & make it look like they hung themselves? Any chance it wouldn't be detected in an autopsy?
(6 November 2018)

Can he cover it up and get away with it?
(6 November 2018)

She had mental health issues- but in this situation the facts don't add up and I know the boyfriend has already lied to me once for sure about the details of when she passed away; is there any way he could get away with this?
(6 November 2018)

I am worried my friend my have been murdered by her now ex boyfriend, and then he strung her up to make it appear like a suicide.
(6 November 2018)

I messed up big time with a guy?
(6 November 2018)

I told him if he wants to stop talking to me I will completely understand it.
(6 November 2018)

I know he has the right to be mad.
(6 November 2018)

The last particular party with his friends, I did something stupid by splattering water at his face while being tipsy. he got SO mad at me and left the party , and got someone to escort me out of the party.
(6 November 2018)

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