Sunday 18 November 2018

Thinking Back…

Seeing as I’ve been a member here for just over a decade now, I thought I’d do a lil reflection piece…I only came here in the first place on the hunt for porn. I had newly discovered naughty side of_ Chi:My mom is trying to use an anger problem I don’t have to get custody?(14 November [...]

Recently I said had feelings for him, and he replied that it probably won t work long distance, so to be careful.
(16 November 2018)

He s mentioned that I mean a lot to him.
(16 November 2018)

He told me I m the most human and incredible human he s met.
(16 November 2018)

In addition, it seems we have a deeper appreciation for eachother.
(16 November 2018)

He has seemed to be a very genuine, kind and straightforward guy.
(16 November 2018)

We have been very flirty and expressed things about kissing eachother or cuddling.
(16 November 2018)

He d stay on skype for hours with me; even overnight; even if I had little to say.
(16 November 2018)

We had been communicating since then through snapchat and a bit of skype.
(16 November 2018)

He talked about his big project and I had the time of my life with him.
(16 November 2018)

Immediately we both felt a connection to eachother, as if we had known eachother for a long time and we both expressed this.
(16 November 2018)

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